Food Processing

Agri Food Processing

Horticulture-Organic Farming

Small Business Model

Cement & Allied Products

Poultry Farming

Paper & Allied Products

Plastic & Allied Products

Dairy & Milk Products

Cold Storage & Cold Chain Solution

Waste Management & Recycling Models

Electronic & Electrical Equipments

Chemical / Polymer & Mineral Based


Service Industry

Textile & Apparel Industry


Project Description

Jam, Jelly and Pickles are important food products as they enhance palatability of food due to its taste and flavour. They are prepared from fruits and they supplement the food with vitamins and minerals. There are many types of pickles available in India. These products have very good market potential as they are consumed in most of the households, restaurants, other eateries, clubs, hostels etc.

They are sold through many outlets like grocery shops, departmental stores etc. But these products are very popular in the North‐East region of India and the consumption is increasing year after year. Presently, there are limited numbers of small units producing these products in the region and there is a wide gap between demand and supply which is met by the manufacturers from outside the region.

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Jam & Jelly

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Project Report

Brif Project Report
Jam & Jelly

Brif Project Report

Detailed Project Report
Jam & Jelly

Detailed Project Report

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